Whites Creek Cairns

Welcome to Whites Creek Cairns

In-home raised pure-bred AKC Cairn Terriers

Contact by email if you would like to be on the waiting list for coming litters!

My Cairn Terriers ~

                  Bo (sire)                                                      Myth (dam)                                                   Dickens (dam)

               Siren (dam)                                                                                                                             Punkin (dam)

Please send all inquiries to pups@whitescreekcairns.com and thank you for visiting our website. 

           When you pick of you little rascal , included is your new best friend, puppy pack,

AKC limited registration paperwork*,

AKC Reunite microchip kit**, first set of vaccinations and

worming with health record booklet.

* once required document supplied

** AKC Reunite microchip kit for your veterinarian to insert

breeder has prepaid for registration and no annual fees for life of pet

register your puppy at akcreunite.org


My Sire, Bo, is an easy-going guy who loves everyone and has a wonderful rough coat

My females are really sweet and love to play with toys, balls and each other. 

All my females are everything a Cairn should be in temperament and attitude.

A few litter videos ~ 


